Welcome to the Say So blog. Here you will find information and news from Say So and the wider industry. Check back often to keep up to date with our developments.
Say So Sherlock delivering growing sector-wide data picture
By Say So | 29 January 2025
Say So Sherlock has been tracking workplace trends for six months, providing key insights on employee concerns and cultural shifts. Our latest data reveals emerging issues and the impact of new workplace legislation.New Equality Act Duty 2024: Preventing Workplace Sexual Harassment
By Say So | 20 December 2024
New duty under the Equality Act 2010 will require employers to take “reasonable steps” to prevent sexual harassment of their employees.Busy week, this week
By Say So | 23 September 2024
Busy week, this week at Say So with new clients.Come and hear about Say So!
By Say So | 10 September 2024
Paul Adams and Shaun Keep are pleased to invite you to our Speaking Up event on Tuesday 24th September at 12 noon
Say So Sherlock announcement
By Say So | 09 April 2024
After many months of developing and testing our new data platform we are preparing to launch Say So Sherlock in May 2024Say So Impact in Emergency Services and the Care Sector
By Say So | 19 February 2024
It has been a busy year for Say So! We now have launched at 13 Fire and Rescue Services across the UK with East Sussex FRS being the latest to join our group of public services who have an independent and impartial speak up service in place.Say So launches with West Midlands Fire Service
By Say So | 09 February 2023
Say So launches with West Midlands Fire Service and were welcomed by the Chief Fire Officer Wayne BrownCongratulations FosterWiki
By Say So | 20 January 2023
Congratulations FosterWiki, A real and meaningful step forward in supporting foster carers and those children in their charge has now been taken by this forward thinking organisation.Say So Reaches Another Milestone
By Say So | 17 January 2023
This week Say So has reached another fantastic milestone as we welcome a new care sector client.Say So visits Borough Care's Head Office in Stockport
By Say So | 14 January 2023
Say So visits Borough Care's Head Office in Stockport to talk to their staff about speaking up and how Say So is a win, win, win for all stakeholders in healthcare.2022. Another great year with strategic partnerships, clients and employees all growing!
By Say So | 05 January 2023
2022 was a great year for Say So with strategic partnerships, clients and employees all growing! Read why our Say So services are vital to the care industry and how listening to employees can help achieve a better working environment.Launch of Age Reform Coalition (ARC)
By Say So | 18 February 2022
One of our directors , Shaun Keep, has been invited to be a panellist on a webinar to discuss 'Creating Safe Care Environments'New Research Exposes a Deep Divide Between Owners and Staff in the Care Sector
By Say So | 31 March 2021
Wednesday 31st March 2021. Despite well documented evidence that an open and transparent culture leads to a healthier, happier and more productive workforce, recent Say So research reveals care sector providers are continuing to resist developing a trulySurvey reveals alarming disconnect between owners and workforce in the care sector
By Say So | 10 February 2021
Say So is currently running a workplace survey into the openness and transparency of organisations and looking at the data we are already seeing some really interesting findings.New strategic partnership arrangement between Say So and Intersol Global
By Say So | 10 August 2020
New strategic partnership arrangement between Say So and Intersol GlobalSay So Director Paul Adams explains how the independent reporting system is helping care home operators.
By Say So | 13 May 2020
In a recent Care Home Professional article Say So director Paul Adams explains how the independenet reporting system is helping care home operators.Did you know that for every concern raised by care staff three more go unreported?
By Say So | 05 May 2020
Hear how CARE PROVIDERS can support their staff even more in this unprecedented period by capturing their concerns that otherwise wouldn't have been reportedSay So commence major collaboration arrangements with the National Association of Care & Support Workers
By Say So | 24 April 2020
We are delighted to announce that we have commenced a major collaboration arrangements with the National Association of Care and Support Workers (NACAS).Dr Rosena Allin-Khan MP calls for Independent reporting service in the care sector
By Say So | 11 February 2020
Dr Rosena Allin-Khan MP calls for Independent reporting service in the care sectorOne simple change that care providers can make that could make all the difference!
By Say So | 22 July 2019
This article explains why Say So was created and how it provides help and support to the vulnerable through independent reporting. This article featured in the Care England magazine Care Agenda June edition. Thanks to Professor Martin Green.Hidden camera finds nurse ignoring abuse on an elderly dementia patient
By Say So | 29 May 2019
Nurse suspended after found ignoring elderly patientWhorlton Hall Hospital caught abusing and intimidating patients
By Say So | 29 May 2019
Whorlton Hall caught intimidating and abusing vulnerable patients with learning disabilitiesHealth Secretary vows to ban gagging orders preventing whistleblowers from speaking out
By Say So | 29 May 2019
Health Secretary vows to ban gagging orders preventing whistleblowers from speaking outSay So founders recieve award for being 'Inspirational Leaders in Care' at the Care Campaign for the Vulnerable Awards
By Say So | 29 May 2019
Say So founders recieve award for being Inspirational Leaders in Care at the Care Campaign for the Vulnerable AwardsAllegations of 'ill treatment' at Muckamore double
By Say So | 20 May 2019
Muckamore Abbey Hospital are being investigated after the number of 'ill treatment' claims have almost doubled.Social care campaigner slams care home providers who carry out revenge evictions
By Say So | 20 May 2019
Social care campaigner Jayne Connery slams care home providers who carry out revenge evictions after families have made a complaint.Care home failings put residents at risk of harm
By Say So | 10 April 2019
A report revealed a series of errors and failings which left residents at risk of harm.10 things CARE PROVIDERS need to know now
By Say So | 25 October 2018
Your staff know more about active risk issues in the workplace than you do - Serious Case Reviews, investigations, research and experience consistently tell us thisSix-month inquiry by the Women and Equalities Committee have found The Government, regulators and employers are failing in their responsibilities
By Say So | 21 August 2018
Following a six-month inquiry the Women and Equalities Committee have found The Government, regulators and employers are failing in their responsibilities to tackle sexual harassment in the workplace.Aberdeenshire care home residents 'tied to chairs with belts'
By Say So | 13 August 2018
Yet another example of abuse of the vulnerable. Many care providers MUST do more to stop abuse.Care Campaign for the vulnerable - Networking Meeting
By Say So | 30 July 2018
We were excited to be invited to meet Jayne Connery at her latest networking meeting and we were so pleased to talk to people who were as motivated as us to create real and meaningful change for the lives of the service users in care settings.Another really vivid example of where Say So can help organisations!
By Say So | 06 June 2018
Another really vivid example of where Say So can help organisations address equality, fairness, conduct, performance, reputation and all related risks in the workplace.A sad case of abuse in Somerset
By Say So | 24 May 2018
A sad case of abuse in Somerset - it can happen anywhere and to any care provider who take a complacent viewThe cases of neglect and Ill-treatment such as this is why we launched Say So!
By Say So | 23 May 2018
The cases of neglect and Ill-treatment such as this is why we launched Say So!Say So Seminar attended by Mayor!
By Say So | 17 May 2018
Say So Seminar, May 15th attended by Mayor & respected representatives from a wide range of sectors.The strain and mental anguish faced by emergency service workers.
By Say So | 26 March 2018
Sound evidence has been around since 2016 of the strain and mental anguish faced by emergency service workers.The problems in the care sector Telegraph 22/03/2018
By Say So | 23 March 2018
The problems in the care sector - Telegraph 22/03/2018CQC grading of Inadequate causes rise in financial costs
By Say So | 02 January 2018
CQC grading of Inadequate causes rise in financial costs per service user to care establishments mainly due to increased staff turnover costsCQC probes four serious care failures every day
By Say So | 21 September 2017
We are all becoming used to headlines like this - it shouldn't be the case that vulnerable people are placed in homes like these.Vulnerable 'playing Russian roulette' choosing care
By Say So | 06 July 2017
This BBC piece is the reaction to the newly published report by CQC about their inspections from 2014 to 2017. The statistics are worrying with a quarter of all care homes failing in the 'safe' category.The offences committed at Vielstone
By Say So | 09 June 2017
The offences committed at Vielstone and other homes linked with the 'Atlas Project' are hugely concerning for the care sectorSAY SO HAS LAUNCHED - WHAT A RESPONSE!!!!
By Say So | 12 May 2017
Paul and I travelled to the Marsham Court Hotel in Bournemouth yesterday for the launch of Say So at the Caring UK care conference and exhibition. We were made welcome by the hosts CaringUK and Scriptmedia