Speaking Up About Speaking Up
Paul Adams and Shaun Keep are pleased to invite you to our Speaking Up event on Tuesday 24th September at 12 noon (to 4pm) at Brand Potential, 12 MACKLIN ST, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON, WC2B 5NF (nearest tube Covent Garden).
We are hosting some presentations and a panel discussion along with networking opportunities across Emergency Services, Health and Care sector, Public Services generally, Charities and Film/TV and Security sectors.
We are going to be focussing upon;
Our history, our aims and extensive progress so far to make workplaces better and safer
Our new data platform Say So Sherlock and its capabilities,
Learning why independence, impartiality and security of data is key
How to build trust and confidence
Impact of Worker Protection Act 2023 on duties of employers - What does ‘all reasonable steps’ look like?
How does collective learning take place with Say So Sherlock?
Our discussion panel members are all senior leaders from various business sectors.
Shirley Rowe ( former CEO Care sector - now consultant)
Trevor Ferguson (former Chief Fire Officer, Royal Berkshire FRS)
Paul Birley (former Head of Lending (Care Sector) - Barclays Bank)
Lisa Forgione (EDI Manager Hampshire and Isle of Wight FRS)
Hakam Poselay (CEO - Checklist Films/Checklist TV)
John Weaver (Non-Exec Director - NHS Trust)
One other public service SLT member - TBC
Refreshments and lunch will be provided and we will be hoping to share drinks with all attendees afterwards.
We very much look forward to seeing you there, please RSPV to helen@say-so.co.uk or by replying to this email as space is becoming limited.